Dear MOC Colleagues,
Apologies for cross-posting… Personnel Psychology is currently soliciting proposals for a special issue and we are inviting you to submit your ideas. The selected special issue team will start disseminating their call for papers beginning in August 2024, with manuscript submissions taking place between August 1-31, 2025.
Proposals for special issues should be submitted to the Editor, Zhen Zhang ( by May 31, 2024, containing the following information:
- Proposed topic and its boundaries
- Rationale for why it would make a strong special issue (theoretical, empirical, practical contributions to the literature, and fit with Personnel Psychology)
- Confirmed list of guest editors, including brief bios and relevant experience
Proposals will be reviewed for fit with the journal, potential contributions to the literature, and feasibility of generating high-quality submissions. We are looking forward to receiving your proposals!
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Article content alert (sign up here)
Zhen Zhang, Ph.D.
Editor, Personnel Psychology
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University