Distinguished Scholars

MOC Distinguished Scholar Award

The MOC Distinguished Scholar Award, established in 2002, recognizes senior scholars in our field who have made exceptional contributions to understanding individual, relational, and collective cognition in organizational contexts throughout their careers. To be eligible for the award, an individual must first be a truly distinguished scholar. The individual must have conducted research that has had a significant influence in the field by publishing high-impact articles in the very best journals. Second, recipients must have contributed to our field through service by holding a leadership position with the MOC division or the Academy, by serving as an action/associate editor of leading journals, and/or been an exceptional mentor for doctoral students.

Nominations for the Distinguished Scholar Award are accepted from all MOC division members. To nominate a scholar for this award, please send a letter of nomination with an explanation of why you are nominating the individual for the award to MOC Division Chair.

2022 - Kevin Corley
2021 - Janet Dukerich
2020 - James P. Walsh 
2019 - Neal M. Ashkanasy for interview click and picture click here
2018 - Blake Ashforth for interview click here and picture click here
2017 - Mary Ann Glynn for interview click here, video and picture click here
2016 - Michael G. Pratt for interview click here and picture click here
2015 - Kathleen Sutcliffe
2014 - Sim Sitkin
2013 - Frances Milliken
2012 - Jane Dutton
2011 - Joe Porac
2010 - Denny Gioia
2009 - Marlena Fiol
2008 – James G. March
2007 – Denise Rousseau
2005 – George Huber
2004 – William Starbuck
2003 – Anne Huff
2002 – Karl Weick


 Monday, August 7, 12:00 – 2:00 PM

Westin Copley Place Boston Staffordshire Room

 2023 MOC Distinguished Scholar

Dr. Sally Maitlis

Sally Maitlis


Dr. Sally Maitlis is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Leadership at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, and a Fellow of the British Academy, the UK's national academy for the humanities and the social sciences. She is an accomplished scholar in several areas of expertise including sensemaking in organisations, trauma and adversity at work, and processes of personal growth. Her research has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Organization Science.

In addition to her scholarly excellence, Dr. Maitlis has an exemplary record of service to the MOC Division. She served a three-year term on the MOC Executive Committee as International Representative-at-Large (2008-2011) and has been a long-time, regular contributor to MOC PDWs, including Diamonds In-the-Rough, MOC Connecting, and others.

Please join us in celebrating Dr. Maitlis at the MOC Plenary!


Teresa Cardador
MOC Division Chair