Good Morning MOC Membership,
Thank you to those who voted in the MOC Executive Team elections. It is my great privilege to announce the incoming members to the MOC Executive Committee.
PDW Chair: Burak Oc, Melbourne Business School
Rep at Large: Cristiano L. O. Guarana, Indiana University
Rep at Large: Niranjan (Ninja) Janardhanan, London School of Economics and Political Science
Doctoral Student Rep at Large: Shawn Xiaoshi Quan, University of Washington Seattle
A big Congratulations to all of you – we sure look forward to working with you!
Pauline Schilpzand, Ph.D.
School Head – Management, Entrepreneurship, & Supply Chain
Associate Editor - Journal of Management
Division Chair – MOC Division of the Academy of Management
Associate Professor of Management
College of Business | Oregon State University
376 Austin Hall, Corvallis | Oregon, 97331-2603 | (541) 737-2717
Pauline Schilpzand
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
(541) 745-4683