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Reminder: AMR Idea Development Workshop, University of Tennessee – Knoxville (Registration Deadline Approaching)

  • 1.  Reminder: AMR Idea Development Workshop, University of Tennessee – Knoxville (Registration Deadline Approaching)

    Posted 03-01-2023 16:42
    The registration deadline for the AMR Idea Development Workshop at the University of Tennessee is 10 days away (March 10), so we are just sending out a quick reminder....

    Academy of Management Review (AMR) Idea Development Workshop Hosted by the Management & Entrepreneurship Department at Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee – Knoxville

    Where and When

    Friday, April 21, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Haslam College of Business, with a reception and dinner for all participants

    Led by:

    • Sherry Thatcher, Editor-in-Chief
    • Other Associate Editors and Editorial Review Board members

    Purpose and Agenda

    This idea development workshop (IDW) is geared toward early career researchers (e.g., Assistant Professors and Postdoctoral fellows) and PhD students who are interested in publishing in AMR. AMR is the highest-ranked journal publishing conceptual and theoretical manuscripts. Although this IDW is open to anyone, preference will be shown to individuals from institutions based in the United States. This workshop is designed to help participants develop great ideas that will be the foundation for well-crafted manuscripts suitable for submission to AMR.

    The workshop will consist of two parts. We will first discuss general information about publishing in AMR, such as what makes a successful AMR paper, the main reasons that papers are rejected, and strategies for addressing the core challenges that Editors and reviewers see in rejected papers.

    The second half of the workshop will entail roundtable discussions of theory ideas from the participants. We will match 4-5 participants with an Associate Editor or an Editorial Review Board member. These groups will discuss the participant's ideas and provide the participant with insight into how to clarify the paper idea or move the idea forward. Participation in this part of the workshop is limited to 40 participants.

    Registration information:

    Registration is required for all participants and the deadline to register is March 10, 2023. To participate, please fill out the following JotForm and submit a two-page proposal of your theoretical or conceptual idea: https://form.jotform.com/223144034662145.

    Pre-workshop activities

    Prior to the workshop, participants will need to read the following papers and prepare a 4-5 slide, 10-minute presentation of a conceptual idea to share at the roundtable.

    Thatcher, S.M.B. & Fisher, G. 2022. From the Editor: The nuts and bolts of writing a theory paper: A practical guide to getting started. Academy of Management Review, 47(1): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2021.0483.

    Campbell, J.T. & Aguilera, R.V. 2022. From the Editor: Why I rejected your paper: Common pitfalls in writing theory papers and how to avoid them. Academy of Management Review, 47(4). https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2022.0331.

    Attendance is free; however, there is a limit of 60 participants for the plenary session and 40 participants for the roundtable discussions. A continental breakfast, lunch, closing reception, and dinner will be provided for all participants by the Management & Entrepreneurship Department and the Haslam College of Business. You must, however, cover your own travel and accommodation costs.

    Accommodations and Logistics

    We have contracted with the Hilton Knoxville Hotel for 40 rooms at $103/night. Please book your room here. The group code is AMR23 for reservations made via telephone. Please make your reservation by April 6th to receive the group rate. A standard cancelation of 72 hours applies for these rooms. The Hilton Knoxville Hotel is approximately 3⁄4 mile from the Haslam College of Business. Shuttle service will be provided between the hotel and the university. Any questions about accommodations or logistics should be directed to Shannon McCloud at smccloud@utk.edu. Please direct questions about the workshop itself to Rebecca Arwine at rarwine@vols.utk.edu.

    The Hilton Knoxville hotel is situated in lovely downtown Knoxville, the home of Market Square, the Old City, and Gay Street. The downtown area offers a wide selection of restaurants, shops and boutiques, coffeehouses, parks, and museums all within walking distance from the University of Tennessee campus and 12 miles from McGhee Tyson Airport.
