Dear AOM Colleagues,
MSR DIG is holding a series of webinars throughout the academic year inviting a broad range of scholars to help advance the development of a research paradigm to investigate the impact of spirituality and religion on management. We are concerned that research solely based on positivism fundamentally rejects metaphysics and theism, and hence is not an ideal mode of inquiry for the role of spirituality and religion in management. A spiritual research paradigm is especially needed for examining inner experience, ultimate meaning or purpose, transcendence, and interconnectedness with community, nature and divinity.
Please join us on Tuesday May 9, 2023, for 90 minutes at 7:00 am (Los Angeles); 9:00 am (Chicago); 10:00 am (New York); 8:30 pm (India); 4 pm (Denmark); to participate in an exciting and enlightening conversation on The Emerging Metascience of the Academy of Management led by Dr. Charles Tackney, an internationally renowned scholar from the Copenhagen Business School.
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The Emerging Metascience of the Academy of Management: Methods Insights from a Theology of the Workplace Analysis
This is a theory and evidence-based exploration of an emerging Academy of Management (AOM) metascience as an historical, international organization and institution. Initially inspired by a theology of the workplace methods study of employment relations and organizations, I describe two parameters for situating AOM research across the current 26 divisions and interest groups (DIGs). The first developed from its 1936 founding – a horizontal research parameter between business organizations and economic markets. This parameter came to favor "quasi-experimental" design of dependent-independent variables particularly in quantitative methods. A second vertical parameter of criterion-predictor engaged research method has emerged that spans individual and societal level analytics, such as between individual educational predictors for academic success to macro level societal studies of workplace justice and spirituality to global sustainability implementations. In this presentation, I first clarify the two parameters, which can be helpful for scholars to better situate or inspire qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research efforts. The Academy founding principles are then reviewed, along with a content analysis of Academy journal editor retrospectives. These trace decades of favoring quantitative, quasi-experimental design research in AOM journals. A convenience sample of management statistics texts offers evidence that quasi-experimental, dependent – independent modelling remains the dominant, restrictive methods language. Nevertheless, criterion-predictor qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods empirical modeling now offers a researcher-engaged epistemology and methods approach for strategizing value-informed outcomes, from management education to organizations and the natural environment. The dual parameter approach captures the Academy's dynamic, emerging metascience, inviting dialogue to advance the AOM's international mission.
Short Bio of Dr. Charles T. Tackney
After election as MSR Representative-at-Large: Community, I was elected to the MSR leadership track and completed that five-year sequence in 2021. I have been an Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), a Danish national university, since 1999. I served for six years as Director and Study Board Chair of the Asian Studies Program. My CBS work currently includes undergraduate project and Master's thesis coordination, teaching in doctoral and graduate courses on interdisciplinary methods and project management, particularly the employment relations principles that enable success in lean project management deployment, and study of curriculum design within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
My doctoral thesis on Japan's lifetime employment system developed during industrial relations studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The theological implications of this field work led me to the MSR Interest Group of the Academy of Management to start a theology of the workplace research domain. I stayed because the MSR members are interesting and supportive. MSR retreats provided valuable time with other members, inspiring a number of research ideas now published in the Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion. I review for MSR and other AOM divisions and interest groups and serve as Associate Editor for the Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion.