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AMR Origins Series - Ep 37 - Aseem Kaul, Martin Ganco, and Joe Raffiee - When Subjective Judgments Lead to Spinouts

  • 1.  AMR Origins Series - Ep 37 - Aseem Kaul, Martin Ganco, and Joe Raffiee - When Subjective Judgments Lead to Spinouts

    Posted 05-02-2023 11:46
    The next installment of the Academy of Management Review's Origins Series has just been published. 

    In this episode, Aseem Kaul, Martin Ganco, and Joe Raffiee discuss their AMR article titled "When Subjective Judgments Lead to Spinouts: Employee Entrepreneurship Under Uncertainty, Firm-Specificity, and Appropriability".  

    We chat about the relevance of presenting your conceptual work prior to submitting it, the long, slow grind of developing a conceptual paper, and the challenges and opportunities of making a formal modeling paper accessible and understandable to a broad audience.


    The YouTube version is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDwA3y521rA 

    The podcast audio version is available here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/cHOSJpUFqzb 

    The full AMR Origins Series playlist can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-uzN0D6ikzF_jVkqlguxJ1UZgnGsiXh.

    We hope you use this opportunity to learn from published AMR authors! 
