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The Alchemy of Qualitative Research - Call for PDW Participants

  • 1.  The Alchemy of Qualitative Research - Call for PDW Participants

    Posted 05-23-2024 16:18
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    We are excited to be putting on a Professional Development Workshop (sponsored by the Research Methods Division) focused on supporting scholars who are relatively new to qualitative methods. This PDW aims to extend the 2023 AOM PDW, "The Alchemy of Qualitative Research: Crafts and Routines." For this year's PDW, we invited four senior scholars, all experts in qualitative research, to serve as panelists.. As the title of the proposed PDW suggests, panelists' comments will include insights from letters that each wrote ahead of the PDW about their hopes for and advice for future qualitative scholars. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to share a planned or ongoing qualitative study and to gain personalized feedback  from fellow qualitative researchers. We especially aim to support and develop scholars who are just starting to dip their toes into qualitative methods. All in all, this PDW will consist three parts:

    1. Introduction to the idea of "the alchemy of qualitative research"

    2. Panel discussions by qualitative researchers  – Kimberly Elsbach, Spencer Harrison, Elaine Hollensbe, and John Paul Stephens – on their "hopes and advice" followed by a discussion amongst all speakers/organizers and a Q&A from the audience.

    3. Research development roundtables facilitated by the featured speakers, workshop organizers, and additional facilitators targeting scholars relatively new to qualitative research to support their qualitative research at their respective stages of development. Participants need to submit a 2-page document with an abstract of current or upcoming project and a statement that outlines their most pressing challenges.


    • Saturday, Aug 10 2024 at 12:00PM - 2:00PM

    • Swissotel Chicago (Zurich B)

    *The feature presentations/discussions are open to anyone attending AOM 2024, but the roundtables will be limited to those that have applied with submissions and been accepted.

    Apply now 

    Applications to participate in research development roundtables are now open. If you're interested in participating, please submit a 2 page document with an abstract of a current or upcoming project and a statement that outlines your most pressing challenges. Your statement will be shared with the facilitators and participants at your assigned table. Please send statements to: aomqualalchemy@gmail.com 

    More information on AOM 2024 can be found here: https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting

    The deadline to apply is 10 July, 2025 but applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We have a limited number of spots available, so we encourage you to apply early. A waitlist will be maintained. Any updates to this call for applications will appear here: bit.ly/4bHblgF  

    Roundtable Facilitators (Organizersº, Speakers*, and Additional Scholars)

    • Barnini Bhattacharyya, Western U.

    • Eliana Crosina, Babson Collegeº

    • Kimberly Elsbach, U. California, Davis*

    • Spencer Harrison, INSEAD*

    • Elaine Hollensbe, U. Cincinnati*

    • Tiffany Johnson, Georgia Techº

    • Christi Lockwood, U. of Virginia

    • Kam Phung, Simon Fraser U.º

    • Alexandra Rheinhardt, U. Connecticutº

    • Anna Roberts, U. Bathº

    • John Paul Stephens, Case Western Reserve U.*

    • Trenton Williams, Brigham Young U.

    • Sarah Wittman, George Mason U.º

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Eliana Crosina, Tiffany Johnson, Kam Phung

    Alex Rheinhardt, Anna Roberts, and Sarah Wittman

    Alchemy of Qualitative Research PDW Organizers

    2024 Academy of Management Meeting

    Alexandra Rheinhardt
    University of Connecticut
    Storrs Mansfield CT