Emonet XIV Registration and Program
Dear Colleagues
On behalf of my Co-Chairs (Ashlea Troth, Cristian Vasquez, and Audrey Teh) it is my pleasure to announce that the registration site for the Fourteenth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife (Emonet XIV) is now open at https://www.emotionsnet.org/conferences/emonet-xiv/register-for-emonet-xiv/.
The conference will be held at the University of Illinois at Chicago UIC) Business School on Wednesday, August 7 and Thursday, August 8 (Immediately preceding the AOM Conference). The program will begin with a Doctoral Consortium and Lunch followed by the main program beginning at 2 pm). Students interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should e-mail Audrey at aylteh1@sheffield.ac.uk.
Registration fees are: Early bird (until July 8): Students (AUD600, ~USD400, EUR380, GPB310, CNY2,900); Early bird faculty AUD900, (~USD600, EUR550, GPB470, CNY4330). After July 8: Students AUD650, (~USD430, EUR400, GPB340, CNY3100); Faculty AUD950, (~USD630, EUR580, GPB500, CNY4600). After August 8: Late students AUD700 (~USD470, EUR430, GPB370, CNY3400); Late faculty AUD1000 (~USD670, EUR620, GPB520, CNY4800).
We are also offering accommodation in UIC Business School Residence Halls for up to three nights from Tuesday, August 6. Per night rates are: Single Rooms, AUD125 (~USD85, EUR80, GBP65, CNY600); Double Rooms, AUD150 (~USD100, EUR95, GBP80, CNY725).
The draft program for the conference is:
Day 1: Wednesday, August 7
Doctoral Consortium (TBA)
Session 1: Conference Opening
Session 2: Symposium - Negative Emotions at Work: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Chair: Ashlea Troth
Can You Fake It to You Make It? The Authenticity of Employee Emotion Expression in the Face of Abusive Supervision and Its Implications for Performance
Alannah E Rafferty, Ashlea Troth, Peter J Jordan
Receiver's Experience of and Response to Anger in the Workplace
Kathryn E, H. Moura, Ashlea Troth, Peter J Jordan
Harnessing Negative Emotions for Productive Outcomes: Constructing a Conceptual Framework for the Workplace
Alina Haider
Good Lessons Despite Bad Feelings: How Boundary Spanning Teams Learn from Collaboration Failure
Zoe Jonassen, Vivianna Fang He, Georg von Krogh
Session 3: Negative Emotions and Their Consequences at Work
The emotion of schadenfreude: Its emergence, consequences and relevance in the workplace
Sachinthanee Dissanayake, Mario Fernando and Kumar Biswas
Negative Affect and Creativity: The Role of Creative Process Engagement and Attentional Deployment
Hector Madrid, Miguel Ibaceta and Zorana Ivcevic
An Empirical Investigation of Leaders' Downward Malicious Envy in Organisations
Sabreen Kaur, Herman Tse and Nathan Eva
Day 2: Thursday, August 8
Session 4: Symposium - Navigating Emotions in the Workplace: The Role of Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Leadership and Teamwork
Chair: Cristian Vasquez
Interpersonal Emotion Regulation as Leadership: A Literature Review
Hector P. Madrid, Karen Niven
Emerging as a Leader by Regulating Others' Emotions, Not Your Own
Arik Cheshin, Gil Luria
Short- and longer-term consequences of daily leader interpersonal emotion regulation
Hadar Nesher Shoshan, Julia Iser-Potempa
Regulating Emotions in Teams: How Antecedent- and Response-Focused Strategies Influence Team-Member Exchange and Performance
Cristian Vasquez, David Holman, Hector P. Madrid
Session 5: Interpersonal relationships & virtual communication
Beyond task, process and relationship conflict: Exploring how conflict type, affect, activation, and conflict intensity interact
Nicola Thomas, Carina Lomberg and Philip Cash
The Impact of Emotional Memories, Goals, and Psychological Capital on Performance during M&A Organizational Change
Sandor Talas, Andre A. Pekerti, Alexandra Kriz and Neal M. Ashkanasy20 Up, down, and all around: Effects of emotional whiplash on interpersonal trust and work relationships
Emily Hsu
Expressed Emotion and Apology Effectiveness in Virtual Communication at Work: The Role of Emoji
Ella Glikson and Monica Riordan
Session 6:
How and When Would Workplace Gratitude Influence Employee Cheating Behavior?
Maysam Nour Eddin and Assaad El Akremi
I just want to feel appreciated for who I am: Appreciative exchanges inspire prosocial behaviors and change belonging
Florence Bernays and Jochen Menges
Identity humanizing: How personal grief-inducing events affect work identity
Lidiia Pletneva
Neal Ashkanasy
Professor Emeritus
University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD