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MOC IR series at AOM

  • 1.  MOC IR series at AOM

    Posted 05-17-2021 14:52

    Hi all,

    I am reaching out to advertise our In-the-Rough series of PDWs. Our division's slogan is "we will help you think it through" and the IR series presents a portfolio of PDWs intended to aid scholars across methodologies and theoretical foci in their scholarly pursuits.

    Most have been running for over a decade now and have been carefully calibrated to include a combination of expert advice from top scholars in our field paired with personalized feedback to participants in a smaller, welcoming atmosphere. Presenting-, Reviewing-, and Teaching- In the Rough may be of value to senior students and faculty of all ranks, while Cognitions (research feedback) and Diamonds (career guidance) are particularly tailored to junior scholars (senior doctoral students, post-docs, and junior faculty). We are also pleased to introduce Entrepreneurship in the Rough. More details on each can be found below as well as online (where you can also find a list of the experts participating in each PDW: https://moc.aom.org/home). The deadline to register for most is June 30th.



    Cognition in the Rough

    This is our "developing a research project" PDW in which you can discuss your research in an informal, collegial roundtable (aka virtual breakout table) setting with leading scholars on MOC topics. Pre-registration is required. Deadline for submission is June 30th. The session will be held asynchronously in early August. More information is available here.


    Diamonds in the Rough

    This is our "developing a scholar" PDW. This PDW offers early-career stage professional guidance for emerging scholars. Experts present insights, guide discussions, and provide personalized feedback across topics such as managing your portfolio, crafting a research identity, diversity and opportunity in academia, co-author relations, and work-life balance. Deadline for submission is July 1st. . To register, please (1) complete our registration survey here and submit (2) your CV and (3) a one page overview of your research identity for feedback.


    Reviewing in the Rough

    This is our "developing reviewing skills" PDW in which you will have the opportunity to gain key insights about the review process and quality reviewing from Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members at leading journals in our field. The session will be held synchronously during the annual meeting. Submission of practice review is required for part 2 of the workshop. Submit completed reviews before June 30th. More information is available here.


    Presenting in the Rough

    This is our "developing presenting skills" PDW in which you will learn new strategies from a group of experts to improve your presenting abilities. The theme for this year is "The Art of the Academic Job Talk" and will include synchronous presentations from experts and an interactive discussion. Pre-registration is not required. More information is available here.


    Teaching in the Rough

    This is our "developing classroom activities/exercises" PDW in which you will learn about concrete, interactive activities that you can put to use right away in your classes. The session will be held synchronously during the annual meeting. Pre-registration is not required. More information is available here.


    NEW: Entrepreneurial Cognition

    In addition to the above, we also plan to launch our first ever "Entrepreneurial Cognition" PDW, thanks to a sponsorship from the Kauffman Foundation. The purpose of the PDW is to identify and share promising research in the area of entrepreneurship and cognition. We are pleased to announce two annual awards for promising research on this topic - the Best Paper and the Best Student Paper awards. The award winners will receive $1000. More information is available here.



    Cristiano Guarana
    Assistant Professor
    Indiana University
    Bloomington IN