Call for Chapters
The Palgrave Handbook of Change and Resilience at Work
Dear Fellow Scholars,
I am inviting you to participate in a fabulous forthcoming Palgrave Handbook!
We have a great list of chapters in the progress, but there could be some space for a few more. So, if interested, you may either select a title from an existing list, which I will share upon email request, or you may propose your own title.
The work will consist of three main parts, each to be populated by a set of interesting and thought-provoking chapters.
PART I: Adapting to a Changing Work Landscape
PART II: Leadership in Times of Flux
PART III: Building Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty (VUCA World)
Once we have agreed on your chapter title, I would like to request an abstract (about 150 words) of what you plan to address in your chapter.
If interested in being part of this scholarly caravan, please contact me at
Additional info:
Chapter length: 7,000 – 10,000 words
Style: APA 7th
General requirements:
Keywords (5-7)
Body (with sub-titles)
Note: We're working toward a hard deadline of September 15th 2024.
Existing, unpublished chapters that fit within the context of this book are welcome to be shared for review.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Warm regards,
joan marques
Joan Marques
Woodbury University
Burbank CA