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Inviting Your Article to the Encyclopedia of DEIS (Deadline Approaching)

  • 1.  Inviting Your Article to the Encyclopedia of DEIS (Deadline Approaching)

    Posted 11-11-2024 10:35
    Here is a great opportunity for scholars who want to strengthen their academic portfolio!

    The Encyclopedia of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Spirituality "DEIS" is a living document in publication by Springer.

    The encyclopedia has been growing steadily over the past two years, with a great number of chapters already published and many more currently in publication!

    As the Editor in Chief of this important and timely reference work, I am inviting you to consider submitting a chapter/article. The encyclopedia of "DEIS" consists of four main parts, which are sub-divided in 28 sections.
    Articles in each section can be delivered in three length categories:
    -  Short entries: 1,000-2,000 words
    -  Medium entries: 2,000-5,000 words
    -  Large entries: 5,000-10,000 words

    Accepted articles (after peer review by the section editor and/or the editor-in-chief) will be published through the electronic publishing portal SpringerLink. Articles receive a DOI upon acceptance.

    Please contact me if interested in more information @ joamarq@gmail.com


    Joan Marques
    Woodbury University
    Burbank CA