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AMD Special Research Forum - Organizational Insights in Health Care

  • 1.  AMD Special Research Forum - Organizational Insights in Health Care

    Posted 11-21-2024 15:57
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    AMD Special Research Forum - Organizational Insights in Health Care


    Initial Submission Window: 1 October 2025- 31 October 2025


    Guest Editors

    • Marlys Christianson, University of Toronto
    • Brian Hilligoss, University of Arizona
    • Christopher Myers, Johns Hopkins University (AMD Associate Editor)
    • Kathleen Sutcliffe, Johns Hopkins University
    • Timothy Vogus, Vanderbilt University


    Call for Papers: https://aom.org/events/event-detail/2025/10/01/calls/amd-special-research-forum-organizational-insights-in-health-care


    AMD invites submissions to a Special Research Forum on "Organizational Insights in Health Care". Health care contexts represent an incredibly valuable research domain for management scholars interested in a wide range of topics and levels of analysis. As DiBenigno and D'Aunno (2024) recently commented, health care "has it all," with prior work exploring this context from macro-, meso-, and micro-level perspectives to generate valuable insights. Given the inherently interdisciplinary nature of studying organizational phenomena in the health care setting, past work has spanned a range of disciplines, often bridging domains of organizational scholarship, industrial relations, and health care scholarship (e.g., health policy, health services research, medicine, medical sociology, and nursing), yielding key insights for theory and practice.


    The goals of this special issue are to publish novel empirical explorations while taking seriously the invitation to balance organizational science and health care – in other words, work that takes seriously both the charge to develop a richly contextualized understanding of a key empirical discovery and develop its implications for a more generalized understanding of work, strategy, organizations, management, and institutions. These goals are particularly well-suited to the nature of AMD as an outlet for "articles motivated by research questions that address compelling and underexplored phenomena … that present clear and compelling discoveries: empirical findings that challenge existing assumptions while opening new theoretical paths or that otherwise promote future, 'down-the-road,' theorizing." (AMD website)


    We invite papers that study any organizational phenomena relevant to the experience and functioning of health care (broadly defined) for this special issue. This could include "classic" topics central to organizational scholarship that are particularly visible or impactful, but still poorly understood, in health care (i.e., many of the topics listed in Table 2 of Mayo et al., 2021). It also includes phenomena that are particular to health care settings, but might carry important implications for all organizational environments (e.g., the study of handoffs and transitions, which are central to health care delivery settings, but are increasingly occurring in many organizations that switch to project-based work coordinated across disparate teams or units; Hilligoss & Vogus, 2015; LeBaron et al., 2016). Questions about the suitability of a particular topic should be directed to a member of the editorial team.


    Please see the full Call for Papers for more details: https://aom.org/events/event-detail/2025/10/01/calls/amd-special-research-forum-organizational-insights-in-health-care (a PDF version of the Call is attached here as well).

    Christopher Myers
    Associate Editor, Academy of Management Discoveries
    Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore MD