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Special Issue in Group & Organization Management on The Role of Emerging Technologies in Shaping a Human-Centric Future of Work

  • 1.  Special Issue in Group & Organization Management on The Role of Emerging Technologies in Shaping a Human-Centric Future of Work

    Posted 05-30-2024 16:10
    Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

    I hope everyone is well. I wanted to pass along a call for papers that might be of interest to you. Sorry if you are seeing this cross-listed.

    All the best,

    Call for Papers in Group & Organization Management


    The Role of Emerging Technologies in Shaping a Human-Centric Future of Work


    Guest Editors: Nicky Dries, KU Leuven & BI Norwegian Business School; Timothy Hubbard, University of Notre Dame; Albert Jolink, SKEMA Business School; Jack McGuire, Northeastern University; Anand van Zelderen, University of Zurich.


    Focus and Purpose of the Special Issue


    Over the past decade, considerable scholarly attention has been focused on examining the impact of emerging technology on employees in the future of work (e.g., Einola et al., 2023; Glikson & Woolley, 2020; Von Krogh, 2018), with extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI) standing out in terms of scholarly and practical interest. Recent reviews have extensively demonstrated the dual-edged nature of these state-of-the-art technologies to boost employee outcomes (e.g., improved productivity and performance; Parteka & Kordalska, 2023), as well as potential drawbacks (e.g., greater dependency on technology; Ivanov, 2023). Despite the widespread adoption of these technologies by employees and organizations (Anantrasirichai, 2022), as well as the extensive scholarly pursuit (Anthony et al., 2023; Magni et al., 2023), many scholars remain skeptical of these emerging technologies' so-called 'benevolent' integration in the workplace (Dries et al., 2023; Faulconbridge et al., 2023; Neumann et al., 2022).


    Historically, the scientific discourse surrounding emerging technologies has predominantly been framed from a pragmatic perspective, assessing the means through which they can be integrated into working routines to increase economic benefit (Bankins & Formosa, 2023; Noy & Zhang, 2023). Enhancing the value employees contribute to the organization, such as through increased creativity with the help of AI (Amabile, 2020), has been instrumental in this effort. Scholars have only recently begun to pivot towards a more human-centric approach to investigate the impact of recent technologies on employee attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions. For instance, Heilig & Scheer (2023) found that AI can boost decision-making processes, whereas Tang and colleagues (2023) revealed that employees increasingly feel lonelier at work the more they have to use AI. The same applies for XR research, which has yielded a mixture of benefits and pitfalls for employee functioning, with a focus on enhanced training (Kaplan et al., 2020), assessment (Sanchez et al., 2022), and well-being (Pretsch et al., 2020) through virtual reality simulations, alongside concerns regarding the dehumanization of workplace interactions (Farmer, 2023).


    Given the inconclusive findings in the state-of-the-art literature and the ongoing debates regarding the integration of emerging technologies in the workplace, the purpose of this Special Issue of Group & Organization Management is to move beyond surface-level examinations that only yield mostly practical and technological insights. Instead, the objective is to develop a more nuanced narrative that revisits and revitalizes theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches that have yet to adapt to the rapid pace of technological innovation. As outlined in the possible research questions below, technological advancements may challenge existing theoretical mechanisms (e.g., how do employees evaluate the distributive fairness of rewards allocated to AI-generated works?) or open new realms of investigation into employee behavior (e.g., how can XR simulations facilitate co-worker interactions?). Furthermore, while AI and XR are the leading emerging technologies steering the scholarly and practical discourse, we also welcome scientific insights on alternative emerging technologies (e.g., Blockchain, IoT, Quantum Computing, NLP, Digital Twins) that may also impact employee functioning in the future of work.


    Possible Research Questions


    For this special issue, our objective is to broaden our understanding of the impact of emerging technologies in the workplace, generate novel and unique theoretical insights due to the evolving landscape of work, and incorporate more state-of-the-art methodologies to assess employee attitudes and behaviors in the future of work. These possible research questions include but are not limited to the following:

    • Critically re-examining established theories in light of recent technological developments and testing or proposing appropriate revisions or extensions.
    • Proposing ways in which AI should be integrated within organizations to promote enhanced human experiences, focusing for instance on the improvement of employee well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction.
    • Investigating how XR, such as virtual or augmented reality, can be applied to study complex leadership dynamics and team interactions.
    • Integrating interpersonal OB theories to AI entities possessing human-like characteristics to assess the implications for employees.
    • Suggesting novel applications of AI in streamlining HR processes, including for instance talent acquisition, employee development, performance management, and retention strategies.
    • Exploring employee perceptions and expectations regarding the impact emerging technologies will have on their daily working lives.
    • Utilizing XR technologies, such as virtual reality, to study employee attitudes and/or behaviors in simulated work contexts, offering more intricate findings on workplace dynamics.
    • Bridging the gap between technological developments in adjacent domains (e.g., marketing, psychology) to the field of organizational behavior, organizational theory, management, or business strategy.
    • Studying employee reactions to AI-powered assessments and recruiting practices, potentially with an emphasis on evaluations of fairness and transparency.
    • Investigate the extent to which employees' inclination to adopt novel technologies is driven by organizational culture, individual differences, and/or external pressures.
    • Assessing the ethical implications of AI-automated decision-making processes within organizations.
    • Analyzing the impact of remote work using XR technology on team dynamics and employee collaboration, focusing for instance on how virtual work environments influence trust, cohesion, and conflict within teams.
    • Examining the role of emotional AI in enhancing employee outcomes.
    • Reflecting on the challenges and strategies for managing workforces in the face of rapid technological changes.


    Accepted Types of Papers and Methodologies


    We invite authors to submit manuscripts that highlight both supportive as well as critical insights on the emerging technology under discussion, grounded in robust scholarly evidence to advance the literature in a meaningful way. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered, aiming for a balanced volume that refines the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical knowledge we have of technology in the contemporary workplace. Authors are particularly encouraged to use new, or rarely used, methodologies to study these phenomena including-but not limited to-quasi-experimental designs, qualitative studies, experience sampling, diary studies, and immersive simulation techniques, to capture the multifaceted role of technology in shaping a human-centric future of work. Furthermore, we accept submissions for GOMusing and GOM Now; however, priority will be given to regular manuscript submissions.


    Deadlines, Submission, and Review Process


    Authors can submit their papers for review online via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gom (select "Special Issue Paper" as the manuscript type) before December 2nd, 2024. Submissions will be evaluated by the Editorial Team based on the fit for this special issue, the methodology used (if an empirical paper), the theoretical contributions, and its overall quality. In the event of a favorable initial evaluation, the Editors will forward the manuscript to at least 2 suitable reviewers. Authors must adhere to a strict timeline. These dates are as follows:


    ·      December 2, 2024: Initial submission due date.

    ·      December 9, 2024: First evaluation due (desk rejects communicated).

    ·      February 10, 2025: First round of reviews due.

    ·      May 5, 2025: Revised manuscripts due.

    ·      July 7, 2025: Second round of reviews due.

    ·      October 6, 2025: Revised manuscripts due.

    ·      October 13, 2025: Decisions due.

    ·      March 1, 2026: Completed manuscripts due to publisher.


    Contact Information for Guest Editors


    Authors who have questions are encouraged to contact one of the Special Issue Editors: Nicky Dries: nicky.dries@kuleuven.be; Timothy Hubbard: thubbard@nd.edu; Albert Jolink: albert.jolink@skema.edu; Jack McGuire: jo.mcguire@northeastern.edu; Anand van Zelderen: anand.vanzelderen@business.uzh.ch


    Link to the Formal Call:



    Timothy Hubbard, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
    Donnelly Fellow in Participatory Management
    Extended Reality (XR) Faculty Fellow
    Co-Director Virtual Reality Laboratory

    University of Notre Dame
    352 Mendoza College of Business
    Notre Dame, IN 46556
    Email: thubbard@nd.edu
    Phone: 574-631-0802