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SMJ Special Issue on "Chance, Luck, and Serendipity": Call for Papers

  • 1.  SMJ Special Issue on "Chance, Luck, and Serendipity": Call for Papers

    Posted 07-02-2024 17:55

    Call for Papers: Strategic Management Journal special issue on "Chance, Luck, and Serendipity"!

    The goal of this special issue is to provide an opportunity for those who have always wanted to develop a paper related to these themes, and to further galvanize the emerging community. We welcome submissions of deductive, inductive, or abductive studies, as well as robust conceptual papers. The submission deadline is November 1, 2025. More information can be found here: bit.ly/SMJCallforPapers.

    We are planning to host a virtual information session (open to all) later this year. Additionally, we will have a serendipity-related session at the 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: bit.ly/aom2024serendipity. Please let us know if you have any questions and share this Call with colleagues who might be interested in submitting!

    Dr. Christian Busch
    USC Marshall School of Business