Dear MOC Division colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you the Summer 2024 issue of Personnel Psychology. Let me know if you need a PDF version of any article.
Please also see our newly updated Special Issues and Article Collections page (here), including the AI/Machine Learning/Big Data special issue, Problematic Leadership, Work-Family Interface, and DEI topics.
Investigating machine learning's capacity to enhance the prediction of career choices (link) Open Access
Q. Chelsea Song, Hyun Joo Shin, Chen Tang, Alexis Hanna, Tara Behrend
The social process of coping with work-related stressors online: A machine learning and interpretive data science approach (link)
Sima Sajjadiani, Michael A. Daniels, Hsuan-Che (Brad) Huang
Managing Your Boss (MYB) as a proactive followership behavior: Construct validation and theory development (link)
Ravi S. Gajendran, Sal Mistry, Subrahmaniam Tangirala
When self-love is threatened: Adopting a dual-type view to understand leader narcissism and its impacts on LMX and newcomer work outcomes (link)
Haiyang Liu, Yihao Liu, Jack Ting-Ju Chiang, Siting Wang, Hui Wang
The paradoxical relationship between sense of power and creativity: Countervailing pathways and a boundary condition (link)
Federico Magni, Yaping Gong, Jie (Kassie) Li, Jingzhou Pan, Mingjian Zhou
Wisdom from the crowd: Can recommender systems predict employee turnover and its destinations? (link)
Hanyi Min, Baojiang Yang, David G. Allen, Alicia A. Grandey, Mengqiao Liu
Hiring by professional affiliation: The benefits and challenges of leveraging prospective hires' prior employment ties to improve matching and access to resources (link)
Rebecca R. Kehoe, Rhett Andrew Brymer, JR Keller, Joonyoung Kim
What you say matters: Moving beyond gossiping extent to explore the positive effects of gossip truthfulness and gossip interestingness (link)
Ryan Outlaw, Michael D. Baer
Determinants of safety outcomes in organizations: Exploring O*NET data to predict occupational accident rates (link)
Lavanya S. Kumar, Gary N. Burns
Understanding the effects of cheating configurations on team creative performance: A social impact theory perspective (link)
Trevor M. Spoelma, Ke Michael Mai, Wu Wei
The Gossiper's high and low: Investigating the impact of negative gossip about the supervisor on work engagement (link)
Rui Zhong, Pok Man Tang, Stephen H. Lee
A meta-analysis of the nomological network of knowledge hiding in organizations (link)
Ghulam Ali Arain, Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti, Imran Hameed, Abdul Karim Khan, Cort W. Rudolph
When leaders heed the lessons of mistakes: Linking leaders' recall of learning from mistakes to expressed humility (link) Open Access
Jia (Jasmine) Hu, Shuxia Zhang, Robert B. Lount Jr, Bennett J. Tepper
LMX differentiation as a double-edged sword: A social hierarchy perspective for understanding the beneficial and detrimental effects of LMX differentiation on team performance (link)
Haoying (Howie) Xu, Sandy J. Wayne, Linda C. Wang, Jingzhou Pan
From crude jokes to diminutive terms: Exploring experiences of hostile and benevolent sexism during job search (link)
Nitya Chawla, Allison S. Gabriel
Do these jeans make me feel fat? Exploring subjective fatness, its workplace outcomes, and rethinking the role of subjectivity in the stigmatization process (link)
Michael A. Johnson, Marshall Schminke, David De Cremer
Examining the role of maternity benefit comparisons and pregnancy discrimination in women's turnover decisions (link)
Samantha C. Paustian-Underdahl, Laura M. Little, Ashley M. Mandeville, Amanda S. Hinojosa, Andrew Keyes
A reinforcement sensitivity theory view of seeking behaviors at work: A meta-analysis (link)
Elad N. Sherf, Natalie Croitoru, Terence McElroy
Does passion matter for team innovation? The conditional indirect effects of team harmonious versus obsessive passion via team reflexivity (link)
Xin Wei, Hui Liao, Zhi-Xue Zhang, Yuntao Dong, Ning Li
Let's get physical! A time-lagged examination of the motivation for daily physical activity and implications for next-day performance and health (link)
Yolanda Na Li, Bonnie Hayden Cheng, Bingjie Yu, Julie N. Y. Zhu
Early View articles and signing up for content alerts are available on this page.
Zhen Zhang, Ph.D.
Editor, Personnel Psychology
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University