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[Call for Papers] RM Instructional Symposium: How to Analyze and Build Theory on Silence and the Unspoken in Qualitative Work?

  • 1.  [Call for Papers] RM Instructional Symposium: How to Analyze and Build Theory on Silence and the Unspoken in Qualitative Work?

    Posted 05-23-2024 16:18

    [Apologies for cross-posting]

    Instructional Symposium (new format sponsored by RM Division):

    How to Analyze and Build Theory on Silence and the Unspoken 

    in Qualitative Work?

    Call for Papers

    Organizers: Hodar Lam, Lingnan University, Hong Kong; Chuqiao Zhou, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University; and Mirjam Werner, RSM Erasmus University

    Panelists (in alphabetical order):

    Gail T. Fairhurst, University of Cincinnati, USA

    Bryant A. Hudson, IÉSEG School of Management, France

    Tammar B. Zilber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

    Are you a qualitative researcher attuned to the subtle, silent signals in your interviews? Do you find yourself navigating challenging contexts with unspoken hints? Have your ever wondered how these non-verbal and unspoken clues can shape your analysis and spark new theories? Let's explore together the realm of these understated yet powerful elements and discover how they can impact your research journey!

    This instructional symposium, a new format sponsored by the Research Methods (RM) Division,[1] aims to promote reflexivity on silence and the unspoken from qualitative work, especially for junior qualitative researchers (i.e., PhD students and early-career faculty members). Specifically, in this in-person two-hour symposium: (1) experienced qualitative researchers could share their experiences in both the data analysis and theory-building process and (2) interested researchers could share their work in progress and gain feedback. Together, we believe this platform will promote the sustained interests and commitment in harnessing the power of qualitative research in developing organizational theories.


    Part 1: Panel Discussion and Q&A (60 minutes) – all are welcome without registration.

    We have invited influential qualitative scholars from both micro (Prof. Fairhurst and Prof. Romani) and macro (Prof. Zilber and Prof. Hudson) research fields, including organizational leadership, critical cross-cultural and diversity management, and organization theory. They will share their thoughts on questions like "How did you deal with your research contexts involving silence and the unspoken?" and "How can we better organize and present data on silence and the unspoken?"

    Part 2: Feedback on specific questions and research ideas from panelists (45 minutes) – registration required.

    If you have a research idea or if you are collecting interview data involving silence and the unspoken, which you would like some feedback from our panelists, you should apply for Part 2 of this symposium.

    Each panelist will host a roundtable of up to 5 participants to facilitate group feedback on your idea. To apply for Part 2, please send in one Word or PDF file with the following information to czhou87@asu.edu by 15 June 2024 (Saturday):

    1.     Cover statement (p. 1): A short sentence introducing your institution and your role and one specific question you want to discuss (200 words maximum)

    2.     Extended abstract of your research idea (font size 12, two single-spaced A4 pages maximum) (pp. 2-3)

    3.     3-5 keywords of your research (p. 3)

    Successful applicants will be informed in early July. Priority will be given to PhD students and junior researchers. If you have any questions about this instructional symposium, please contact Dr. Hodar Lam (hodarlam@ln.edu.hk) or Dr. Chuqiao Zhou (czhou87@asu.edu).

    [1] According to the Call for Submissions of Research Method (RM) Division 2024 Scholar Program:

    "In response to the popularity of our professional development workshops (PDWs), the RM Division wants to infuse more interactive aspects into the scholarly program as Instructional Symposia. These Instructional Symposia can have a panel or presenter format and involve multiple contributors to teach attendees how to apply particular research methods techniques or how to address specific methodological issues."


    Hodar Lam
    Research Assistant Professor, Work & Organisational Psychology
    Lingnan University, Hong Kong