***Apologies for cross-posting***
Academy of Management Learning & Education Special Issue: Building Theory on Leadership Development – Virtual Paper Development Workshop
November 11th:
PDW 1: 10am Central Europe Time (GMT+01:00)
PDW 2: 12pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT-05:00)
Led by: SI guest editors
Purpose and Agenda
The aim of the PDW is to provide guidance and feedback for authors submitting to the SI on Building Theory on Leadership Development. The PDW will run in small groups where each author(s) will be able to briefly present their paper and receive feedback from the editors and other group members.
Workshop Instructions
If you are interested to participate in the PDW please sign up using this link and indicate which PDW you would like to attend. Please register by 08 November 2024. Further guidance will be provided to attendees prior to the PDW.
More information on the special issue can be found in the call for submissions. The deadline for submissions for the special issue is 15 December 2024.
For any questions, please contact Hannes Leroy (leroy@rsm.nl) or Moran Anisman-Razin (moran.anismanrazin@ul.ie).
Moran Anisman-Razin
Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick, Ireland